Monday, April 7, 2014

Monday Lovin'

This song, specifically the line, “Jesus, every victory is found in You,” is my favorite right now. I love the reminder of how Christ defines every part of my life. I am not defined by anything expect who He is and what He says about me. Also, Vertical Church Band is the best :) 

The warm spring weather is so refreshing. Even the rain is a welcome change to bitter cold winds and snow. I loving having the chance to sit on my apartment patio, read and watch the sunset. I’m thankful for spring and everything it represents.

Fresh flowers this spring are making my heart happy! In three weeks my apartment has seen red & pink tulips. I’ve never really considered myself a flower girl, but they really liven up our space.

Mini-marathon training has been so great. I love making my body stronger, feeding it good food for good fuel, and celebrating milestone accomplishments. Extra fun – seeing friends on the Monon trail in the middle of a 10 mile run. 

Bazbeaux's Pizza. Yes. I would eat it at least once a week. It. Is. The. Best. 

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