It’s no secret that I love
to run. It’s my workout of choice lately. It’s a defense against unhealthy
behaviors in my life, a great stress reliever, and quite honestly, a spiritual
discipline right now. No matter where I am, I can go running. The only person
evaluating my performance is me, and I believe that most days, just going
running is a victory. No need to impress anyone, it’s just me, my running
shoes, some music and time to think, or not think. Just as God honors showing
up, and cares more about our heart that the fruit it produces, I enjoy a run
and the freedom it brings me more than I care about how fast I run 4 miles.
That being said, I’ve had
fun watch myself get faster as I train more consistently and I enjoy seeing how
fast I can run multiple miles. When I was in Bloomington, I would get
frustrated when a light wouldn’t turn green fast enough and I would have to run
in place at a stoplight, especially if I felt like I was in a rhythm and
running pretty well. I only have to cross 2 major streets on my runs around
Mason instead of the countless ones I had to cross at school, but there are not
stoplights where I cross here, I just have to be patient until the road is
clear. Today I was making excellent time on my 4 mile run, and I had a goal in
mind, 4 miles in 37 minutes. It was windy and I was tired from running up a
hill, only to get to the point where I needed to cross the street and there was
a steady stream of cars going both directions. So I ran in place. Man, nothing
is as frustrating as running in place. My body would rather rest completely,
but that makes getting started so much more difficult. And in that moment,
running forward would be devastating; I would have been hit by a car. I had no
choice but to run in place as I thought about the decreased likelihood that I
would achieve my goal for the day. Most days I feel like I’m running in place.
I have a goal and destination in sight, but I’m waiting for things to line up
so I can start moving forward again. Some days I just want to throw the towel
in and stop completely… running in place feels like a waste of energy. Other
days, I’m so eager and ready to go and continue to ensure I meet my goal that I’m
willing to make stupid decisions before the time is right.
Yesterday was rough. The
Lord convicted me that I don’t want what He wants right now. Even things that I
know aren’t good for me are preventing me from experiencing what He has. So I
prayed a scary prayer – Lord, let me want to want what You want for me. In the
terms of my running metaphor, let me be okay with running in place. Running in
place keeps my heart rate up so that I’m ready to go when the time is right; it
also conditions my heart to be okay with an elevated heart rate during
training, something that will come in handy as I continue to run long distances.
I am constantly being reminded that God’s kingdom is not one of moving forward
and backward, but instead of moving towards God. While running in place may
seem fruitless and pointless, it keeps me prepared and conditions me for when
the time is right.
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